#1 rated Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Q&A Review

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1,730+ practice questions

120+ high-yield images and diagrams

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1,730+ practice questions

1730+ practice questions covering all exam categories. Build your own quiz or study by topic - you choose!

In-depth Explanations

Exam Style application-based and analysis questions with detailed explanations

Hundreds of board relevant neuromuscular references

As well as 120+ high-yield images and diagrams you must know on exam day

A mobile companion to “Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Q&A Review, Second Edition”, and " Neuromuscular Quick Pocket Reference"

Medicine is an ever-changing science. Research and clinical experience are continually expanding our knowledge, in particular our understanding of proper treatment and drug therapy. The authors, editors, and publisher have made every effort to ensure that all information in this product is in accordance with the state of knowledge at the time of production of the product.

The Neuromuscular Reference addition was conceived by Dr Araim, who felt that physical medicine and rehabilitation residents needed an efficient way to learn about the various musculoskeletal and neurological tests. They needed to know what the test was called, how to perform it, and what the results meant. Although originally intended for PM&R residents, this product is applicable for most health care practitioners (including allied health professionals, students, residents, and attendings) who deal with the neuromusculoskeletal system.

It is our hope that this product will be useful to future generations of health care providers and help them deliver better care to their patients.

#1 rated Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Q&A Review

Brought to you by Springer Publishing and featuring over 1730 board-style questions, custom quizzes, and result tracking, this product is your comprehensive solution to pass your PM&R certification exam.

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